Ottevanger Milling Engineers & Aqua Feed Manufacturing
Aquatic feeds have very high requirements in terms of both nutritional and physical characteristics of feed. These nutritional and physical feed requirements are driven by the life stage of a specific species under consideration. Physical characteristics include issues such as pellet size and shape; pellet density allowing us to produce floating, slow sinking and sinking feeds; water stability and pellet durability. The challenge is to achieve all of these while having a negligible effect on the environment.
Ottevanger Milling Engineers keep these and other project specific issues in mind when designing an aquatic feed processing plant. The choice of equipment, technologies, processes, and equipment is, therefore, the key to success. We take time consulting with customers to ensure we fully understand customer requirements and more specifically requirements of the specific market the customer is serving. We do not promote or apply a “standard” Aquatic Feed Plant design and each project is assessed on its own merits.