Beautiful movie of Megamix – Russia
Our customer Megamix made a beautiful movie about their new premix plant in Lipets, Russia.
Our customer Megamix made a beautiful movie about their new premix plant in Lipets, Russia.
Throughout all activities around the world the quality of our products and projects, the environment and the safety of all stakeholders stands always high on our priority list. Today we are rewarded by EBN Certification with three certificates for our Quality (ISO 9001:2008), Environmental(ISO 14001:2004) and Safety (VCA version 2008/5.1).
International Standards are the backbone of our society, ensuring the safety and quality of products and services, facilitating international trade and improving the environment in which we live in. Conformity to International Standards helps reassure our clients that products, systems and organizations are safe, reliable and good for the environment.
Ottevanger Milling Engineers is building a complete compound feed plant in Chonburi province for Thai integratos SA Beang 111 Co. The plant will have a capacity of 15 tonnes an hour for layer feeds, and the possibility to produce pellet feeds. It has a modular design that is based on the solutions in the supply range of both Ottevanger Milling Engineers and its sister companies in the Triott group.
Raw materials for the plant, in particular corn, soy, cassave and tapioca, are delivered by lorries and stored in silos and warehouses.
Ottevanger’s containerised concept allows for future expansion. The plant can double output and add an additional hammer mill or a pelleting line can be integrated.
The automation part will be handled by Inteqnion’s PLC/scada operating system.
The demand for fish will increase with 25% in the coming years. This trend pulls with an increased demand for the production of high-quality fish feed and manufacturing technology.
On the 16th of March 2017, Kenyan Cabinet secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Mr. Willy K. Bett and Dutch Ambassador Mr. Frans Makken officially opened the new Aqua feed factory of Unga Holdings Ltd in Nairobi, Kenya.
Ottevanger Milling Engineers is partner of the Dutch-Indonesian programme on food security, poultry & dairy sector. The Indonesian and Dutch Governments and companies work together on improving the food and nutrition security situation in Indonesia.
Especially for the recent edition of the magazine Feed Compounder editor Andrew Mounsey visited a Feed Mill of our partner Fane Valley and spoke with Managing Director David Garrett to find out more about this rapidly growing company.
Greenfeed Vietnam Corporation launched its new containerised Feed Mill in Myanmar. In addition to the seven existing feed mills, located throughout Vietnam and Cambodia, the company decided to spread its wings to surrounding countries Laos and Myanmar.
Graag maken wij u er op attent dat Ottevanger Milling Engineers en Ottevanger Services (hierna we) de persoonsgegevens die u ons verstrekt zullen verzamelen en gebruiken omdat dit noodzakelijk is om een eventuele overeenkomst met u te sluiten en uit te voeren. Dat geldt zowel voor onze (potentiële) klanten als voor partijen bij wie wij zaken en/of diensten inkopen.
At the beginning of 2023, we decided to document the entire construction of the new Solprovit B.V. premix plant through a three-part short documentary.